This is not an obligatory thanksgiving post. 2015 has been one hell of a year and eventful to say the least. I’m thrilled because I finally learnt how to sit still and meditate. I’m thankful for all the incredible people I’ve met and the unconditional support from my family and friends that have turned into family. I’m grateful for this body and the spirit of resilience that keeps us going when days get really really hard. I’m grateful for all the travel and being able to immerse myself in cultures alien to me and meet strangers and forge friendships. Most of all I’m grateful for all the beauty that surrounds us and the sheer joy in all the experiences that can’t be bought. ❤️❤️❤️What are you grateful for? #wanderingforwellness #portstephens #nelsonbay #traveller #inspiration #wander #nourish #thrive #thanksgiving2015 #gratitude #attitudeofgratitude