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Wellness Treehouse by Bodyism

Most people associate the Maldivian islands with binge drinking too many cocktails and eating your bodyweight in crab cakes and prawn cocktail. What if I told you that you could have a villa for yourself and your #bae in the middle of forest whilst still being on the island? Our time at the Wellness Treehouse By Bodyism was magical, to say the least. From waking up to the sound of birds, to an early morning dip in our private pool followed by some morning yoga out on the patio- it couldn’t have been more perfect.

The wellness blogosphere is bursting at the seams with information on how to lead a healthier, more active life. From food scientists, plant based proponents, paleo diet enthusiasts, doctors and functional medicine specialists- everyone believes in a different theory and it is really easy to get overwhelmed with all this information. When I heard about Bodyism a few years ago, I was very impressed with their ethos, work ethic and the philosophy. Not only was it easy to understand and apply to daily life but Bodyism instructors also teach you how to incorporate healthier tips while ordering in, when exercising in the gym or to help you sleep better.

Wellness Treehouse

Started by James Duigan, Bodyism was started about 10 years ago in a basement in South Kensington, London. James believed strongly in the power of food as medicine and he felt that he could revolutionise the way people understood diet and fitness. He was joined by his wife, Christiane Duigan who is now the Director of BodyFood & Bodyism Global. The Duigans believe in the importance of eating intuitively and being kinder to your body. The underlying philosophy is based on the premise that eating clean and being healthy doesn’t mean that you start hating your diet and your workouts.

I was at amilla with my sister in November last year for 3 nights and we had the chance to spend time with James Burke- the Bodyism representative at the Maldives. The Wellness Treehouse is a beautiful space for fitness enthusiasts and young couples to spend time working on their fitness and wellness goals. The villa is equipped with its own spa, Bodyism equipment and a mini gym with TRX, a private plunge pool overlooking the lush, verdant forest. Enveloped in green, it is impossible to not feel healthy here and all the amenities and snacks in the villa are curated to help you eat better and feel stronger.

Wellness Treehouse

We had a morning personal training class at the Treehouse with James Burke. He talked us through the Bodyism philosophy, taught us how to use the foam rollers and off we went. We started off with some basic stretches to open up the tight hamstrings, hip muscles and warm up the body for a workout. After we stretched, we progressed to more dynamic compound exercises like the disco lunge, squats and walking lunges. After we were done, we proceeded to use the Bodyism band which is a lot more painful than it looks. Victoria’s Secret Models and athletes use this band to tighten, tone and sculpt small muscle groups like the tricep, calves as well as work the booty. After a few reps, we really started to feel the burn and promised ourselves we would be more regular with the band because we wanted to see real results.

Wellness Treehouse



We were feeling all kinds of sore post the session and jumped into the pool to cool off. Post the workout, we were given some Bodyism approved snacks with some of the beauty and body brilliance supplements that contain vegan and plant based proteins and none of the processed gunk.  The dessert balls were absolutely delicious and kept us sated until lunch time.

Wellness Treehouse

The Clean and Lean cafe (a concept from London) at Amilla is a restaurant cum store. They have a small but fantastic selection of Bodyism active wear for men and women. You’ve got colourful leggings, hoodies and some funky singlets for your functional training class. The menu, as you would expect is unusual with their version of bulletproof coffee (yes, coffee with coconut oil and butter), shakes with Bodyism supplements, #acaibowls, #lattes with almond milk and clean and lean bread. All the products are made from natural ingredients and are free from GMO, chemicals, added sugars, salts and other nasties. My sister and I had a lovely lunch at the clean and lean cafe. My favourite were beauty balls, acaiberry bowl and the clean and lean bread which was gluten free and made with healthier seeds and nuts.  All the products are 100 % gluten free so you need not worry about cross contamination or not being able to stick to a grain free, gluten free regimen while on holiday. For those of you who want to take home some of these supplements like the ‘body brilliance’ . ‘beauty food’ and ‘protein excellence’ made from vegan protein powder and antioxidants. A Bodyism representative is always at the cafe to answer all of your questions to make sure you are better acquainted with the brand and its ideals.


If your trip doesn’t allow you enough time to make it to the Clean & Lean Cafe, you can always request your butler to allow the kitchen to prepare some clean and lean recommendations for you based on your dietary preferences and activity levels when you order at the restaurant. I was thrilled to learn that the clean and lean bread was available at the breakfast buffet every morning. You can also swap regular milk for rice milk or almond milk with your coffee or porridge in the morning.

Both my sister and I felt more alert, lighter in the tummy and equipped with recipes and hacks to help eat and move better. Special Thanks to Claudia, Jumana and Nasru for organising this for us. To James Burke for giving us a preview of the Bodyism experience and a great workout session and to the staff at the Clean & Lean Cafe for a fabulous meal. The photographs were taken by the talented Munko Ali from the Shutterfish Team at Amilla.

Also, if you do get a chance, sign up for a sunset yoga session at the outdoor yoga pavilion overlooking the water. Even doing pranayama and performing restorative stretches while watching the sea kissing the shore is absolutely beautiful. If you are lucky- you might grab a glimpse or several of a pod of dolphins frolicking close to the shore.

Here’s what a typical stay for two at the Wellness Treehouse includes- a daily Bodyism session that is bound to leave you feeling invigorated, 3 beautifully curated meals with healthy snacks to nosh on. That is not all, you have a daily 50 minute spa treatment in the comfort of your own villa and a thorough consultation with Bodyism experts upon arrival.

The villa may remind you of  your trip to the rainforests in Bali but are equipped with everything you might need during your stay on the island. Yoga mats, #bosu ball and TRX equipment for working out. A tea and coffee machine with a bowl of exotic fruits that are delivered daily with your #Bodyism approved snacks. A torch for walks in the evening and a handphone so you can reach anyone at the hotel without any trouble.


Verdict:  The Wellness Tree House is a unique style of accommodation that must be experienced at least once.  The Maldivian experience isn’t limited to just honeymoons and elaborate weddings but can also be enjoyed by active individuals or young couples who want to be kinder to their bodies. If you are looking to up your fitness levels by a few notches, eat clean while on holiday and work up a sweat on a daily basis- we highly recommend that you book the wellness treehouse for an unforgettable experience. Expect to return home more taut, lithe and fit and a few pounds lighter and less stressed out.


James is a London based Bodyism trainer and fitness professional. Having studied Functional Training and Functional Medicine, he brings a holistic experience to his training and treats every client uniquely. James believes positive intentions and actions will bring amazing results. Follow him here-

About James and Christiane Duigan:
Ten years ago, James Duigan made it his mission to change people’s lives. Bodyism began in October 2006, in a small room at the bottom of a mews house in South Kensington. Since then, Bodyism has grown to become a global wellness and lifestyle company with athletes, models and professional sportsperson as loyalists. The reason Bodyism has risen at such an incredible rate is that it has always focused on why rather than what they do. The why has always been to change people’s lives.

Bodyism wellness clubs have opened in some of the finest resorts across the globe and their philosophy remains at the forefront of the wellness industry all over the world. 2015 saw the most significant achievement in their history; Bodyism London opened its doors. It is the first official flagship members club and Clean and Lean Café, which is the centre of excellence. They have brought the finest practitioners together to provide an incredibly powerful holistic experience. James continues to push the boundaries of what is possible within the wellness industry. James is the director of Bodyism, while his wife, Christiane handles Bodyism Global and the food. Their instagram handle is here

Quick Notes:
Address: Amilla Fushi, Baa Atoll, Maldives
Phone: +960 660-6444
For activewear and merchandise-

Photo Credits- Munko Ali


Jia Singh


I am a Delhi-based nutritionist, food & wellness consultant and freelance features writer. I write for a variety of different magazines and websites in India and overseas on restaurants, travel, wellness and food.



2 thoughts on “Wellness Treehouse by Bodyism

  1. Agness of Fit Travelling says:

    I love the idea after workout, the food and the beautiful beach view. It’s amazing. That place is really a complete package.

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