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Ambika’s day on a plate

Ambika Rikhye is a good friend, mentor and confidante. I got in touch with her around 3 years ago when she needed help with nutritional counseling. We worked together to reach her goals and I was really impressed with her motivation to get stronger and healthier. I reached out to her recently to share her day on a plate.

6:00 am: I start my day with kundalini meditation and a gratitude prayer as I believe healthy and peaceful mind is the key to a healthy body. I then drink a glass of warm water or a glass of methi, zeera and ajwain water (I soak them overnight) followed by a cup of tea in my terrace garden. This is the most special time of my day. I enjoy sitting next to my lotus pond and sip my tea with a thoughtless mind.

7:45am: I do an hour of yoga or go for a walk in a nearby park. Earlier I used to work out after a lot of polite pushing by Jia (my soul friend). But recently, I have taken up yoga and I am really enjoying it.

I have lemon water after my workout

9am: Breakfast time. I try to have something different on all days of the week. It’s either oats or eggs and coffee or fruits and milk or ragi porridge or my favorite chia seed pudding.

11am: I have some soaked nuts followed by a cup of tea. Tea is my vice and I am not even trying to quit.

1pm: Lunch time. I have a good lunch which includes rice or chapatti, lentils, vegetable, curd and salad.

4pm: I have a cup of tea again with some roasted lotus seeds (or cookies when I am in a ‘I don’t care mood’).

6:30pm: Dinner time. I am a big fan of having dinner before sunset. I mostly keep it light with soup and salad or protein shake with a bowl of papaya or sometimes grilled fish or chicken tikka with veggies.

7:30pm: Is my son’s bedtime and I read to him before he sleeps. I drink white tea while reading during this time. This is the most precious time of my day.
9pm: My bedtime. I slowly drink a small glass of water before I sleep.

There are days when I am travelling or when I am writing something really intense, that I end up eating a lot of chocolates and chaat. I have a sweet tooth and I really need to start working on it. My only mantra is to meditate, have a quiet time for yourself daily and be thankful for what you have. It’s a beautiful life. Love it and it will love you back.

About the Author:
Ambika is a Delhi based author of the book ‘Mirage’. She is a loving wife and doting mum with a heart of gold. She meditates everyday and has recently started doing tarot readings too.

Jia Singh


I am a Delhi-based nutritionist, food & wellness consultant and freelance features writer. I write for a variety of different magazines and websites in India and overseas on restaurants, travel, wellness and food.



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