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Revelations on Wheels

Written by Jayati Sanan

Here’s a little something I wrote about my holiday to Sri Lanka In December. Interspersed with moments of sadness and joy, I feel as though it bears a resemblance to what we call our ‘reality’ these days.  I hope it gives you a little comfort and a little space to daydream especially at a time when are homebound for what seems like the next few weeks (at least). Stay home! Stay Safe! This too shall pass.

Sri Lanka Dec 2019 – Jan 2020

Day 1 (New Delhi – Colombo -Galle)

Upon a bike at dusk, we knew not what was in store

A journey we will remember for years and many more

How it all began, is with a miracle in disguise

The gentleman who approached us, oh! he had a certain style

We arrived at the Fort by midnight, before the clock struck 12

We didn’t lose a slipper but sadly we did lose something else

Day 2 (Galle to Yala via Tangalle)

A lunch so very chic and a sunset by the sea

And a little hesitation, that led us to believe

our plans were all going wrong and we had to set them right

We soon arrived at Yala and our homestay, it wasn’t in sight!

Alas, we found our cottage, it was hidden amongst the trees

We showered in the forest and before we knew it, we were asleep

Day 3 (through Yala to Arugam Bay)

We learnt well from our mistakes

But we hadn’t yet made them all

We were soon chased by an angry cow and, almost had a fall

Finally, when we made it to Arugam Bay, we drank too many beers

Though it was a little lonely, it was not a place to fear.

Day 4 (Arugam Bay to Tangalle)

A time for resolutions, It’s the last day of the year

We mounted our so-called ‘English Bike’

And set forth beneath a sky so clear…

At stop number 4, a new awakening it had dawned

We felt 2020 must be a year of great progress!

So, we sulked as the fireworks lit up the world around us

And we wondered how our problems, we would address…

Day 5 (Tangalle to Ahagama)

The day that is known to determine, how you will spend your entire year

One certainly should try, not to shed even a single tear

Hence, we lay on the sand and, watched the waves in the ocean

And as we relaxed, we turned a blind eye to the world of commotion

A good story when told, always needs a mystery to unfold

But unfortunately, this is all I have, lo and behold!

No bad guys, no schemes, it’s so startlingly simple

Most of our lives may not be grim but sporadically, they do twinkle

Just like that, Day 6 arrived

This is when we say ‘oh time, it flies!’

Now on a journey homeward bound 

I felt a flicker of sadness, a pang of fear

Strange things to feel when returning to those who are dear

Back at home, the old worries, they seemed to grow

With speedy strides across the cold floor

But I washed them away with memories so bright

And finally accepted that the occasional struggles, they’re alright!

When you’ve got love, luck and a sense of ambition

Feeling happy is nothing, but a mere decision!

Featured Photo by Oliver Sjöström on Unsplash

All other images by Jayati Sanan

Jayati Sanan – Profile

My name is Jayati and I’ve grown up in the mountains, as a result, I spent a large chunk of my childhood staring into space and daydreaming. From imagining that I lived in a block of cheddar, which existed in the form of a rock outside my house, I went to being a princess with a walk-in-wardrobe lined with the trendiest ball gowns. There was a time I believed I could grow up into a rabbit and luckily, all my crazy ideas were always encouraged by my wonderful family. Be it a picnic with my collection of stuffed toys, all of whom could speak by the way, to evenings of artwork and telling stories.

My first real experience of the city was when I moved to college, at Delhi University. As a proud student of Miranda House, I strolled the streets of North Campus. But that didn’t last long, as it was for many phases that followed. And, ever since, I have moved and moved and moved, fortunately never leaving anything that mattered behind. A passionate educator, an aspiring traveler and a hopeless wanderer is what I would describe myself to be, and through my writing I hope to inspire ideas that will set us all free.

Jia Singh


I am a Delhi-based nutritionist, food & wellness consultant and freelance features writer. I write for a variety of different magazines and websites in India and overseas on restaurants, travel, wellness and food.



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