
2015 you’ve been a beast of a year and I know I seldom stick to new year resolutions so I’m going to try and focus on what I’ve learnt instead. – I learnt that we are a lot stronger than we give each other credit for. -Listening to your gut is the most underrated yardstick for measurement and you’ll learn that your gut feeling is always right. – There is a real joy in missing out and sleeping in and not attending every wedding, launch, party. – life is too short to be spent in one place for too long. Wander, travel and go as far as you possibly can. – The best way to explore a new place is by foot and perambulating through narrow streets and alleyways. – NEVER say NEVER and embrace what is. -Sometimes, a little bit of faith is all you need to tide you over. – When you hit rock bottom, the only way from there is UP. – Solo travelling is by far the scariest and yet most exhilarating experience of your life. -I might love living out of a suitcase but coming home to your pets and family after a long trip is priceless – Even though we are in our 20’s, an annual exam at the doctors can save you a lot of trouble and stress later. – Timing is one hell of a thing- be it for a business venture, partnership or relationship. Some of us learn this the hard way. – Meditation and yoga can literally save your life, a ton of money on medical bills and help keep you grounded. – I learnt that wearing sunscreen every day is absolutely crucial and Baz Luhrman was right. – Nothing lasts forever and the beauty of life is in its ephemeral nature so be spontaneous, write that memoir, go skinny dipping, travel the world and make love at mid-day if you want to.

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