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Written By Bani Chawla A lot of us are pottering around the kitchen and cooking/ baking for ourselves and our [..]

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We all know too well that the benefits of a plant-based diet are far-reaching and innumerable. From regulating blood sugar, [..]

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By Gitana Singh I’ve often had family and friends ask me to whip up unusual desserts and challenge me to [..]

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Picture this – you’ve decided that it’s time you started eating healthy, clean, and good for your body. It’s been [..]

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A wise person once told me that food, depending on how it is consumed, can be your medicine or poison. [..]

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By Ankita Jaiswal With Edits by Jia Singh ‘Beaches and bikinis in Bali’ is what kept me focused towards my [..]

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My favourite healthy cafe haunt in Romania The winter means layering up, pressing snooze several times before you drag your [..]

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Quinoa, pronounced ‘KEEN wah’, has been popularised by health bloggers nutritionists and those on the gluten free bandwagon because of [..]

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It turns out the father of medicine was right about this too and scientists and doctors are finally studying the [..]

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“By eating meat we share the responsibility of climate change, the destruction of our forests, and the poisoning of our [..]

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