By Marissa Moon
Do you believe in life after death? Have you ever felt you had a past life? It may have even come through a dream- like you were playing a character in a movie but it all felt so real. Has this ever happened to you? If so, it is very likely you jumped into one of your past or alternate lives. You see, your soul has lived many lives before. And with each life, your soul learns lessons to then create another life and learn even more. Maybe in an alternate reality, possibly another planet or maybe even the exact place and timeline of its most recent life but as a different person. All for the purpose of your soul learning.

Your soul has its own unique blueprint of its many lives, timelines and possible futures, this is what we refer to as the Akashic Records.
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records is that blueprint (or record) of everything your soul has been through spanning from past, present and all possible futures.
Some call it “The Book of Life” while others call it The Akashic Records. No matter the way you word it you are able to access the very information important for you through these records. It’s your soul’s book. It’s personal, it’s loving and it holds so much information within it. And the best thing is you can access your very own Akashic Records either by yourself (with practice of course) or through a reader, like me!
So, what exactly happens during an Akashic Records reading?
When I open your records it’s as if I’m picking up the phone and in direct communication with your guides. (Yes, guides are a thing!) And those guides are the one’s communicating with me. They come in and share the exact messages you need at this moment to move forward in your journey. At the end of the reading once they’ve communicated all their messages they send what I like to call downloads. It comes in as sensations in your body or energy. You feel love, giddy— you feel more connected with your highest truth. I’ve had clients smile so big, I’ve had clients cry, but mainly there’s a sense of love and feeling whole again. You’re reminded of the beauty of your journey. It’s a beautiful experience and words can only describe it so much.
How does it work?
Your guides send messages in the ways that I am able to receive which is mainly through visions, feelings and at times they play back words that I’ve read or heard somewhere before. When giving readings for friends they like to be funny and play back my friend’s very own words that they have said in the past. But mostly the messages come through as visions. The visions usually have a meaning to me and I translate the meaning behind what I see to communicate the message forward. There are times that the images they send have no meaning to me but are meaningful to my client. Once during a reading, I saw my client’s mother pulling her away from playing in the sand on the beach. When I finally explained what her guides were showing me, she immediately received this remembering and even felt the sensations on her arm like she was being pulled.
Can you go into past lives or see my future?
Yes, we can talk about the past and the future but honestly, this rarely happens because your guides (and you on a deeper soul level) already are aware of the past and they want to focus on the now to help you move forward. They find the past rather boring because they’ve already lived it with you and their most excited about your NOW- your present moment! They just want to help you move forward.
Can I ask questions?
Of course you can! However, from my past experience, as soon as I open a client’s records their guides come in so strong with messages that by the time they’re done all the questions (even ones my clients may not have consciously had) are answered. I usually get “Wow, all my questions were answered!”, because they know what you’re going through. You are still welcomed to ask questions and I still have a few clients that do. Sometimes it’s to clarify and other times it’s to get more details. But most of the time you connect back to this place of love and truth that you don’t feel your mind’s need to ask any more questions.

How does it feel to be able to read the Akashic Records?
It is surreal, it is wild and most of all it’s heartwarming because I receive all the love from your guides. I’m still amazed with some of the connections and messages that come through. I feel incredibly lucky to be able to be this translator for people. I get to remind them of their truest potential and reconnect them to their soul through their guides and through the Akashic Records. I feel really honoured to help people reconnect to the most important version of themselves.
What do you want people to know about the Akashic Records?
If you’re considering it, it is most likely a message or a ping for you to explore it. It isn’t scary, only love comes from the Akasha. You will only leave a reading feeling love and reminded of your truth. If you’re interested in a reading or more information reach out to me on Instagram @marissaamoon or my where I share some client’s reviews and an in-depth explanation. I also got a clear message to do a few Instagram Live readings so if you’re interested, be sure to check it out!
About the Author:
Marissa Moon is an intuitive leader guiding people to reconnect with their highest self. After years of feeling drained and unfulfilled at countless jobs, she quit and travelled to Bali where she reconnected with her soul. Now she is helping other’s ignite their soul’s calling through her podcast, The Soul Guided Podcast, and through her one-on-one sessions.