Crystals are making their way into every aspect of our lives from our lamps, jewelry, beauty tools and even our yoga spaces. Advocates of crystal healing believe in the therapeutic properties of these crystals. Some are meant to attract abundance and love while others are meant to enhance health, dispel fear + negativity and even improve your sleep. Here are 5 crystals you need right now.

How do you use crystals in daily life?
There are several ways to incorporate crystals into your home, your workspace and inculcate them into your evening rituals. You could keep the crystal under your pillow or on your neck or chest while lying in Shavasana. Others believe it might be beneficial to keep the crystals after charging them in your yoga room. Some of you might like the idea of a jade roller or gua sha as part of your evening skincare ritual while others enjoy the idea of stringing a small crystal together and wearing it as a pendant or a bracelet. Remember, how you choose to use the crystal is entirely up to you.

Crystals are becoming more popular now than ever as the energy of Earth as shifted after 21st December 2012. Also, millennials are more spiritually advanced than their previous generations and hence are able to benefit a great deal from crystal energy. A shift in consciousness has aided this generation to benefit from the earth energy stored in crystals. Keeping in mind the current energy of the planet I would recommend these 5 crystals for everybody:

- Black Obsidian: Not to be confused with black agate as these are two different stones. Black Obsidian is the Master Protector. With the changing environment, everyone could do with some protection against negative energy. Activated Black Obsidians start working almost instantly. Though we do not recommend those with heart conditions to wear this stone. Obsidian has a very intense and mystical energy. It is known to protect us against bad luck and accidents.
- Rose Quartz: Also known as the ‘the love crystal’. Everyone needs more love. Love is the strongest vibration in the world. Rose Quartz helps bring about harmony in relationships. Also a good use for meditation, the quartz helps calm the soul and brings about deep relaxation and tranquillity. Egyptians believed rose quartz had anti-ageing properties. It is thought that the Goddess Isis would gather tumbled stones of rose quartz by the Nile river where she used these as facial massage stones to keep the complexion clear and prevent wrinkles. At NUI we do a number of skincare products made of rose quartz including the jade roller and the eye mask.
- Jade: The ‘All is well’ Crystal. Ancient Chinese believed that Jade was good for overall wellbeing. There are many qualities and types of jade such as aventurine and nephrite. There are many colours as well – green, pink, lilac, yellow, white etc. Lilac Jade is the most prized and expensive. It is known to improve overall health and wellbeing. According to records: jade has the effect of calming, soothing the nerves and keeping the mind relaxed and body youthful. In the Qing Dynasty of China, one of the beauty secrets of Empress Dowager Cixi was to massage face with Jade. It is said that she still looked very young when was 70 years old.
- Clear Quartz: also known as The ‘Power Crystal’. This amazing stone has the power to clear up negativity and enhance the positive aspects of your life. It brings about clarity and creates a positive environment. It is believed that the mystical city of Atlantis was a high energy point with very advanced technology and consciousness as they had large quartz crystal points keeping the balance. It is great for cleaning up your chakras of any blocked and unwanted energy. Great for those with anger issues.
- Lapis: Everyone wants to be successful. And it always helps to be confident about your success. Lapis helps those who need a little uplifting as well as helps bring in new opportunities. Lapis was a favourite stone of Cleopatra. Widely used in jewellery especially to replace the blue sapphire and tanzanites. Lapis is a soft stone and must be handled with a lot of care.
Crystals need to be treated with honour and respect. It’s a good idea to keep your crystals clean and you should try as much as possible to prevent other people from using, touching or playing with your crystals.
How does one cleanse the crystals?
- We recommend you use sage to clean them and to purify your home, working or living space.
- Some people also choose to wash the crystals once under running water. Though selenite is the only crystal we don’t recommend to put under running water, others that have ‘ite’ at the end should also not be left wet as they might disintegrate.
- . Some say that salt is a great cleanser but we prefer just running water as the salt can be abrasive and each crystal has a different composition.
- Leaving your crystals out on a full moon night helps particularly if you have used this time to set an intention as well
- Certain crystals are self-cleansing such as selenite and citrine but the others need that extra care.

About Nui:
NUI was founded by Pooja and Urvika Kapur in 2016 when their clients whose homes, offices and factories had been energy corrected by them using a combination of 25 different sciences and modalities including vastly Fengshui and crystals urged them to source the crystals for them. Being trained gemologists, they could instantly tell the fake ones from the real ones. Even though some clients would bring natural crystals for activation, the crystals would have low energy content and that made the founders realise they had to get into the Crystal business. The company was named NUI as NUI in the Hawaiian language means precious. Hawaiians are believed to be the most spiritually advanced race today and hence it all came together. Pooja and Urvika personally sort and activate all the crystals themselves. Once the crystals are activated clients set their intentions for the crystals. Pooja has over 30 years of experience as a Master Healer and combines several different healing modalities when using crystals to correct the energy of the home. You can get all these crystals at NUI. Instagram Handle @nui_crystals. All our crystals are activated by a Master Healer to help you benefit from the potential of the crystal.