“Yoga is the fountain of youth. You’re only as young as your spine is flexible”- Bob Harper
I grew up watching my grandfather hold a headstand way into his eighties. His face was radiant and gentle and he was more flexible than anyone five decades younger. He was supremely fit with absolutely no fat and was able to manage his blood sugar and other ailments successfully with his yoga discipline. He would wax eloquently on the many physiological benefits of yoga as well as the effect it has on your mind and emotional wellbeing. I didn’t start a regular yoga practice until much later but do it pretty consistently now.
I am a vata type and a type A person- constantly restless, always on the move and often jittery or nervous. I find that a regular yoga and pranayama practice has helped calm my nerves. It is better than anything else I have tried to become less anxious and it often means that I can enjoy my cup of coffee too. I have weight trained and swum most of my life so my muscle fibers are considerably shorter and constantly sore and fatigued. Doing yoga a few times a week and focusing on restorative and isolating stretches enables me to stretch out like a cat, improve my range of motion and work on my flexibility.
I had a monthly Fitpass membership for December and I made it a point to visit as many yoga studios in my area. I tried my hand at power yoga, Hatha yoga and aerial yoga. Aerial yoga employs the help of ropes and silks to help suspend you from mid air. I have to admit that it is a lot harder than it looks but once you trust your instructor and the silks- there is nothing better. Aerial Yoga taught me to surrender, trust the process and let go. I stumbled and hurt myself in the first class and went home bruised and scratched but got addicted to the rush. Being suspended upside down is great for your spine and for reducing jet lag and fatigue for weary travellers. Word of caution- if you have high blood pressure, a heart condition or are pregnant- you should avoid aerial until the doctor gives you the clean chit.

Verdict- I have been lucky enough to try 5 studios near my house and the sheer variety of yoga disciplines makes it interesting. I have tried my hand at Aerial yoga a few times and intend to go back for a few more classes. My core feels more toned, sculpted and a lot stronger. My hands and upper body strength has improved considerably and I am pretty happy to report feeling less stressed and agitated. Even if you hate all forms of exercise, I highly recommend that you start a regular yoga practice and watch it transform you from the inside out. Your productivity at work will soar, your energy levels will improved and you might end up with a yoginis sculpted derriere. So book yourself a class by logging onto Fitpass.co.in
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You’ll be spoilt for choice with yoga, MMA, zumba, HIIT, Spinning, swimming and martial arts.