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Peruvian Cuisine

In my opinion, the best way to explore a place is by foot and by sampling all the local delicacies along the way. Peruvian cuisine, famous for its Asian influences is making serious waves in the food world drawing foodies, gourmands and epicureans from near and far. People are well aware of Peruvian cocktails, ceviche, quinoa but the rest of Peruvian Cuisine remains hidden until you make your way to Macchu Picchu. Peru had a lot to celebrate when the The British Magazine Restaurant ranked three Peruvian restaurants namely Central, Maido and Gaston in the top 50 restaurants of the world.

The distinct qualities of these restaurants have helped them to secure their position on the global map.
Central Restaurant located in Lima holds 4th position in the list of 50 Best Restaurants of the World. The restaurant is owned by a Peruvian Chef Virgilio Martinez, who also has a restaurant in London called Lima London, which holds a Michelin Star.

Peruvian Cuisine

The main essence of the restaurant lies in the ingredients as they are handpicked by the team of Martínez. This takes one on a culinary expedition right from Amazon till the Pacific Coast. It is rightly known as the “gastronomic expedition of altitude and ecosystem of Peru”. This is the reason why Central has been able to maintain the top position for two consecutive years.

The signature dish of Central is Tallos Extremos that has been inspired by wild oca and Andean yams during Martínez’s trip to Aija in the Andes. Ms. Magali Silva, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism expressed her happiness by stating “Central highlights the diversity of Peruvian ecosystems with its proposal called Mater Initiative with which Martinez travels the country in search of ingredients below sea level and up to 4,100 meters of altitude, on the Andes”.

Peruvian Cuisine

Maido: From position 44, the restaurant has jumped to 13 this year at the World’s 50 Best Restaurants all efforts credited to Chef Mitsuharu Tsumura. The restaurant is a perfect blend of Japanese and Peruvian cuisine.
The Nikkei menu has a unique Peruvian vision and distinct Japanese flavours. The unique cooking styles and rare ingredients used at Maido have helped it to be the one of the best foodie hotspot in Latin America.


A combination of impeccable Japanese detail with the flora and fauna of Peru is celebrated at Maido. The sushi at Maido includes flavours usually associated with ceviche – such as lime and aji peppers – to create dishes that combine spicy, savoury and sweet. The best culinary experience is the 17-course tasting menu which is served at the restaurant. You must be experimental and bring a hearty appetite to enjoy this degustation.


On obtaining such a high jump, Magali Silva, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism expressed that, “Maido on the other hand emphasizes the convergence between Peru and Japan, with more than 100 years of history, to which the nikkei chef Mitsuharu Sumura adds a special to Amazonian ingredients”.


Gastón is owned by Peru’s celebrity chef Gastón Acurio, creator of a burgeoning empire of fine-dining restaurants not only in Lima, but also other cities in both North and South America.  The best restaurant in Latin America promises you nothing less than a grand treat expressed perfectly through the 16 courses embellished by aesthetic décor, soothing music, fashion and traditional tableware.

Peruvian Cuisine

Treat your palate with Tiradito and Ceviche from the Andes at the Restaurant. Specialties include spicy roasted ribs or the excellent noble robado fish served in miso sauce with crunchy oysters.

Peruvian Cuisine is a culmination of Peru’s rich history, tradition and culture, founded on the country’s geography, a Pre-Hispanic culture that knew how to manage crops that the ‘Pachamama’ (Quechua for Mother Earth) provided and the continuous contribution of groups of immigrants from Europe, Africa and Asia fully integrated to the Peruvian society. If you think Peruvian Cuisine is limited to only Ceviche, think again and we suggest you bookmark these restaurants for your next trip to South America.

“There is no sincerer love than the love of food” -George Bernard Shaw

Bon Appetit!

Jia Singh


I am a Delhi-based nutritionist, food & wellness consultant and freelance features writer. I write for a variety of different magazines and websites in India and overseas on restaurants, travel, wellness and food.



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