Tag Archives: eat healthy

The right to protein

In fact, if you are eating a wide variety of plant-based foods from pulses, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds and protein-rich vegetables, you are doing your body a whole deal of good. For non-vegetarians, supplementing with fatty fish like salmon, eggs (any style) or organic chicken or cottage cheese can help you meet your daily quota for protein. For plant-based counterparts, you can look at soy (tempeh, tofu, edamame), lentils, beans, seeds, nuts and some vegetables. Other sources of vegan protein include almonds, peanuts, pulses, beans and hemp seeds.

Ambika’s day on a plate


Ambika Rikhye is a good friend, mentor and confidante. I got in touch with her around 3 years ago when she needed help with nutritional counseling. We worked together to reach her goals and I was really impressed with her motivation to get stronger and healthier. I reached out to her recently to share her […]

Know yourself with Mapmygenome

I am 28 years old and born into a Sikh family. I don’t smoke and I seldom drink alcohol except for the celebratory glass of wine once in maybe a few months. I have been diligent and consistent with my workouts for the last 5 or 6 years. I eat pretty clean for the most […]

How to Stay Fit While Travelling


We work incredibly hard to maintain lithe, toned and limber bodies before the summer vacation but often return 10 pounds heavier. Here are a few of our fuss free tips that are guaranteed to leave you in better shape on your next vacation. Happy Holidays! On the flight- Be sure to stay hydrated: Long haul […]