Tag Archives: inspiration

Lymphatic Drainage at Aayna Clinic

Have you ever felt a swelling in your throat or in your armpit at the onset of infection or the flu? That is actually inflammation of your lymph nodes and while thats not necessarily a bad thing, it can point out other issues like lymphadenopathy or cancer. Well, the lymphatic system is an intricate network […]

Oral Hygiene

Taking care of your teeth and gums with Pepsodent Germicheck I know a lot of us would skimp on the time we spent brushing and flossing our teeth when we were growing up. It turns out that oral hygiene and dental health is more important than we had realised. Regular flossing, routine check ups and […]

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Guest post by Devika Pathak  There’s an electric energy in the room as the crowd starts chanting. Not sure where to look my thoughts move inward. Was I good enough? How can I be better? What’s the big deal anyway, it’s just another day! Clock strikes twelve, fireworks, champagne, kisses and boom. Goodbye 2015. What […]