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Written by Revati Vaidya

These are unprecedented times. We are struggling with so many distractions around us and emotions brewing inside. While a lot of us are juggling our lifestyle in this lockdown, bringing the best and worst out of us. With madness seeping into our bones, the internal battle of questioning our own existence has begun. Believe it or not, the overstimulation of activities can be a concern. Mindfulness in the time of an unwarranted pandemic is definitely difficult but it does not merit our worry. We often demand a slow life, where we can take breaks, sit back, and indulge in the present. And It took one pandemic to change our perception of reality, shifting the way we see and understand things. It has literally taken us years of garbage to understand what damage it can do to us and everything around.

But this screeching halt amid the fast-paced life has led us to question our fundamentals, our learnings, and everything that we pride ourselves upon as human beings. It has questioned our needs and desire for routine. It has questioned our selfishness, how we all took everything for granted when everything was normal. But then what is normal? The practices we have been carrying for years? Well, the choices you will make now, in this season of uncertainty, will matter to you for the rest of your life to come. We must unlearn all that we thought was cool, all that we assumed to be healthy, and all that we justified in the guise of convenience and comfort. 

It’s time we sat ourselves down and asked if we got a chance to nurture our needs in this solitude. Give ourselves another chance at life; this time in the right way.

Now that we have a lot of time to focus on our well being, let us look deeper within and assess what no longer serves us, and what we would like to improve. Self-realization is the way to self-improvement. A gentle rhythm of body and mind shall form when you slow down on the thoughts. These gentle changes will tear apart the need to constantly worry. Let this huge disconnection between the world and your inner well being remind you that you are not alone. It’s okay to be suspicious of hope, It’s okay to be anxious.

If there’s anything you shall achieve by practicing mindfulness, it is to be patient. It weaves us all together. This circumstantial sadness is a part of reality but you will learn to notice how little things will nourish your soul and disconnecting every once in a while will show you ways to co-exist for the foreseeable future. Let go of the burden of things that no longer serve any purpose to you. They may be habits, thoughts, patterns, relationships, and even material possessions. Just let them go. 


The groundwork for how we can establish emotional wellbeing and a healthy routine is to understand what brings us purpose and fulfillment. Now that you have let go of a set pattern of doing things, learn to be open or experimental with the way things are done. Learn to get back to the basics, re-connect with the positive things that you may have veiled out of ego, out of fear, or sheer laziness. Make use of this crisis to create opportunities to make a difference. Open your mind to ideas you may have never tried, what do you have to lose anyway? Balance your actions with a healthy perspective about things that could make a huge difference in your life. Foster hope in yourself amongst the chaos by indulging in practices that are easy for you. 

While the world is looking to get back to being normal, why not reinvent your amazing self to the “new normal”. The healthy kind of normal, the strong kind of normal, the aware kind of normal and the beautiful humankind of normal. We are fully capable of setting ourselves free from any darkened circumstances. Understand that we all are living on borrowed time, might as well live each day with utmost gratitude. Today is the oldest you have been and the youngest you will ever be. Bask in this glory and beam with pride!

The idea of liberation is in your head, not out there. Get yourself before Corona gets you.

About the Author:

Revati is a writer, poet and a digital strategist. She is also known for her articles about relationships, mental health and self-discovery. She lives in Mumbai with her overly anxious dog and you can learn more about her work here Instagram/EkSafar.

Jia Singh


I am a Delhi-based nutritionist, food & wellness consultant and freelance features writer. I write for a variety of different magazines and websites in India and overseas on restaurants, travel, wellness and food.



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