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Vesna’s day on a plate

Vesna Jacob needs no introduction. She is probably one of the fittest women in Delhi and her core strength and her tricks on the reformer can put anyone to shame. She lives in Delhi with her husband, her daughter Daniela and her pets and takes sessions with clients from her studio Alta Celo. I visited Vesna for a story many years ago and was thoroughly impressed with her studio, her work ethic and her personal practice. 45 minutes later- I knew exactly what I needed to work on to improve my posture, alleviate soreness and improve my gait. She leads an active lifestyle, is a body positive advocate and encourages women to incorporate some kind of movement into their lives. You can imagine how thrilled I was when she agreed to share her day on a plate with us. Here is what she had to say-

My mornings are usually very hectic as I start my working day very early. More often than not, I am out of the house by 7 am. I cannot leave the house without having some coffee, but the first thing I have in the morning is Turmeric Powder, Cayenne Pepper, Pink Salt with 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar to boost my immunity and kickstart my metabolism.

If I have any solid food- it is usually a bowl of papaya and a small bowl of watermelon or melon. If I miss the early morning breakfast, I may help myself to a bowl of muesli with yoghurt supplemented by berries and fresh coconut water sometime mid-morning.


I have not always had a very positive relationship with food. Some of you might be able to relate but at one point I would comfort eat in order to console myself over physical pain and the end of my professional basketball career. Over time, I managed to change that and stop overeating and start appreciating organic and simple food without processed food and sugars. I still practice this philosophy, except I try to eat foods that are wholesome that strengthen the body and nourish it well.


Lunch is usually fillet of fish steamed with steamed vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, and potatoes, or a bowl of homemade veggie (pumpkin, mushroom, spinach, cauliflower) soup in the winter.

Given my work schedule, I do not get to work out as much as I would ideally like. So I create time for myself by doing a few exercises while I am teaching my students. I also use the 5 to 10-minute gaps between classes to do a few sets of explosive exercises using resistance and going for integrated and core-centric movements to optimise my time. I use regular breaks outside Delhi as ‘me time’ to exercise and relax and really devote time to my body, mind and soul.


Dinner is early, grilled chicken or stir-fried vegetables or a bowl of papaya.

My one vice is coffee throughout the day and I enjoy each cup mindfully and without guilt.

I usually end my day with meditation where I give thanks to the divine for all the blessings, people in my life and also the challenges that I may be facing at that point in time, as I know the life lessons come in different ways, so I accept and embrace everything with gratitude. I meditate until late on full and new moon nights which emphasise the feminine aspect of the Divine.

About the Author:
Vesna Peričević Jacob is a Holistic Fitness Expert from Bosnia who made Delhi her home in 2004. She is a Physiotherapist, Author, accomplished Pilates teacher and Functional Applied Science Specialist. Vesna is also a Lifestyle coach, Motivational Speaker, Clinical Hypnotherapist & a Healer. This combination of skills makes her unique and involved with all aspects of Fitness and Wellness stressing on the Mind-Body-Soul Connection.
Vesna authored two successful books “Work It Out Without a Workout” and “Fit to Fight” published by Random House India and is currently working on her third one.


Jia Singh


I am a Delhi-based nutritionist, food & wellness consultant and freelance features writer. I write for a variety of different magazines and websites in India and overseas on restaurants, travel, wellness and food.



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