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Zina and Zoya’s day on a plate

Zina and Zoya are the fabulous twins behind ‘the terrible two’s– a blog dedicated to fashion, wellness and beauty. They are very active and spend a large chunk of their weeks either on the tennis court, swimming, doing some restorative yoga or learning a new sport. I asked them to share with my readers what they ate in a day and here are their responses.

We begin by starting a day with gratitude in abundance and prayer for our surroundings, family, and food.

Zina and Zoya

Zoya: apple cider vinegar with mother or amla juice for the vitamin C and its immune boosting benefits.
Zina: 3 glasses of luke warm water followed by a short of cardio protective coldpressed coconut oil

Zoya: Amaranth, 5 almonds, black tea, scrambled eggs with veggies and an assortment of seed and nuts
Coffee with honey or jaggery (no added sugar) to keep the cravings at bay
Zina: Oats with jacggery and seeds and a bowl of fruit (either mango, banana or papaya) with a cup of coffee
Almonds, chia and flax seeds
or Avocado toast and eggs (yum)

Zoya: Tennis
Zina: Workout

Zoya: 2 or 3 kinds of vegetables like pumpkin, eggplant, bitter gourd, yoghurt and a lean protein (eggs or fish)
Zina: Lentil pancakes with a fresh salad with either eggs, chicken or prawns
Hummus and yoghurt are staples in my daily diet.

Evening snack:
Zoya: green tea with nuts
Zina: Fruit or coffee with jaggery

Zoya: Lean meats (chicken, fish) with soup and salad
Zina: sometimes I will have just a large bowl of papaya to detox.
On other days, it will either be gluten free pasta with veggies and chicken
or lamb and salad
or grilled fish with salad



About the Author:
Zina and Zoya Singh are Delhi based Lifestyle and fashion influencers who are creatively mindful of their work and surroundings. Wellness, health and being active became second skin and now running a blog and a full-time job at that requires a balanced routine of a healthy mind, good vibes, sound sleep and feeling well. Have a look at their blog here

Zina and Zoya

Jia Singh


I am a Delhi-based nutritionist, food & wellness consultant and freelance features writer. I write for a variety of different magazines and websites in India and overseas on restaurants, travel, wellness and food.



2 thoughts on “Zina and Zoya’s day on a plate

  1. says:

    AKIN \nA while back we shot these series with the incorrigible @anthonyrussellafrica \nBeing a twin himself, he understood us and our bond.

  2. says:

    Join us for a panel discussion on the occasion of International Flow Arts Day with Jia Singh, Zina Singh and Zoya Singh on dealing with body image in a healthy and positive fashion.

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